Tooth Removal/Tooth Extraction Services

Conveniently located to serve Mansfield, Arlington, Midlothian, Burleson and surrounding cities

Tooth Removal at Mansfield Oral Surgery

Tooth removal, also known as tooth extraction or pulling a tooth, is a common dental procedure that is often performed when a tooth has become severely damaged, infected, or is impacted. At Mansfield Oral Surgery, we offer tooth removal for any patient in need of a skilled and experienced dentist who can provide them with the dental care they need.

Tooth removal using extraction forceps

When Is a Tooth Removal Needed?

A tooth extraction may be required for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • The tooth has been injured or broken.
  • The tooth has extensive decay and cannot be restored.
  • A deep infection has occurred within the tooth root (abscess).
  • The teeth are poorly positioned or overcrowded.
  • The tooth has become impacted (common with wisdom teeth).
  • Gum disease has caused damage to the tooth’s supporting structures.
  • Teeth are loose due to bone loss.
Man with a toothache. Pain in the human body

How Is a Tooth Removal Performed? Does a Tooth Extraction Hurt?

At Mansfield Oral Surgery, we make the tooth removal process as comfortable as possible. Prior to a tooth removal procedure, the area is numbed for your comfort. The procedure may be done under dental sedation. We have often heard patients voice their pleasant surprise at the ease of the process.

Does My Tooth Have to Hurt in Order to Have My Tooth Pulled?

Often, pain is not an indication of the need for a dental extraction. Many times, the nerve has been damaged enough to not feel any pain until swelling suddenly develops. Additionally, teeth that are mobile do not typically cause pain.

I Broke My Tooth. Does It Have to Come Out?

Not necessarily. Your dentist can assess if the tooth has a good prognosis with other treatments such as a filling, crown, and/or a root canal. If the tooth has broken to the gumline or below the gumline, procedures such as crown lengthening may help restore the tooth. At Mansfield Oral Surgery, our team is experienced with assessing your broken tooth utilizing the latest technology.

My Face Is Swollen and I Have a Toothache. Can I Have My Tooth Removed?

For the most part, yes, we can remove a tooth that has swollen tissue. In some cases, the dentist may recommend a dosage of antibiotics before you begin treatment. In other cases, the soft tissue may need to be drained depending on the severity of infection. This is referred to as an incision and drainage. If you begin to feel a swelling in your mouth, do not delay—contact the experts at Mansfield Oral Surgery.

What Is a Bone Graft? Will I Require a Bone Graft?

In some cases, bone grafting is recommended as a part of the tooth removal procedure. Once a tooth has been removed, the jawbone where it once stood will begin to deteriorate. In order to preserve the bone in the jaw, a bone graft can be placed in the socket of the extraction site. It provides a scaffold for your own bone tissue to grow.
This bone graft material is typically purchased from a human tissue bank (allograft), or it can be taken from your own body (autogenous). Additional sources of bone include animal tissue banks (xenograft) or synthetic bone.

Bone grafting is typically recommended when the site is being preserved for a future implant or denture, as this will prevent the bone from experiencing maximum deterioration. It is recommended to be placed at the time of extraction.
If not placed at the time of extraction, typically a lateral bone graft can be placed in the future, but this would require more healing and an increased cost.

What Can I Expect After My Tooth Removal?

It is recommended that you relax and rest following your tooth removal. It is important that you follow the instructions provided to ensure a quick and smooth recovery.
3D render of dental bone grafting with bone biomaterial application

Schedule an Appointment Today

To learn more or to schedule an appointment, contact Mansfield Oral Surgery today at 817-225-3223 for your tooth removal in Mansfield and surrounding cities. Our expert team can assess your tooth for extraction utilizing the latest technology and can recommend treatment options.

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About Us

Outstanding care starts with an outstanding team. At Mansfield oral surgery, we are a team of true experts in dentistry and oral surgery that prides itself on meticulous attention to detail, quality work and customer service. We are grateful for the opportunity to take care of your needs. Therefore, our commitment to you is to provide the highest level of service and exceptional care.

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Schedule Your Consultation Today

We are dedicated to taking care of all oral surgery needs in Mansfield TX, Arlington TX and the surrounding areas. At Mansfield Oral Surgery, we have a team of board-certified experts in oral surgery with well over a decade of experience to guide you through the oral surgery process. We look forward to meeting you and becoming a partner in your oral health.
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